

  • 16 Immutable Laws of Entrepreneurship

    We are all dazzled by the spectacular success of iconic entrepreneurs and the enterprises they have built. This lecture explores the history of successes and failures and proposes 16 laws to help guide would-be entrepreneurs on their journey, ranging from where the new idea for a product or service comes from, to how to create […]

  • 4 ‘A’s of Marketing: Acceptability & Affordability

    4 ‘A’s of a Marketing is a framework developed by Dr. Jagdish Sheth. This is the last of two segments of the course. This segment specifically focuses on the other two distinct values (‘A’s) customers seek in the market as payers (Affordability) and as users (Acceptability) of products & services; while defining and mapping extended […]

  • 4 ‘A’s of Marketing: Awareness & Accessibility

    4 ‘A’s of a Marketing is a framework developed by Dr. Jagdish Sheth. This is a first of two segments of the course and explores why we need a new perspective in Marketing. The four reasons the framework takes into account to augment the case are new market realities, marketing productivity crisis, marginalization of marketing, […]

  • Africa Awakening

  • Aging of Affluent Nations

    All affluent nations are aging rapidly, and this poses problems (and opportunities) for their respective economies and businesses. This lecture discusses the impact of this phenomenon, from challenges (unsustainable healthcare and pension costs and desperate need for economic growth) to opportunities (robot-assisted living and affordability and access to products and services).

  • Anticipating the Future: Ageing Population

    This course is a first of the 3 segments looking at trends in marketing; specifically Aging Population. A strong case is made on how anticipating the future enables competitive marketing advantage. It further explores several external trends influencing overall marketing opportunities & challenges such as Demography, Technology, Competition, Globalization and Public Policy.

  • Anticipating the Future: Living Alone by Choice, Europeanization of America

    This course is the last of the 3 segments looking at trends in marketing; with a focus on how Living Alone by Choice and Europeanization of America are creating new and unique marketing challenges & opportunities. In conclusion, several examples are provided to explain how trends could be indicators and can be leveraged in preparing […]

  • Anticipating the Future: Working Women, Ethnic Diversity, Decline of the Middle Class

    This course is a second of the 3 segments looking at trends in marketing; focusing on three demographic trends related to Women, Diversity and Middle Class. It’s explained how shifts in an increase in women entering workforce and an inclusion of ethnic diversity are shaping the market & product demands, while a general decline of […]

  • Branding for Differential Advantage

    For a company’s competitive advantage, its products add tremendous value in creating a differential in the marketplace. This course explains how the evolution of branding of brands will add significant value in creating a differential advantage. By exploring in depth the eight ways of evolution of Branding, and seven emerging areas of Branding for differentiation, […]